Take Your Google Data With You - for Students
Google Data
In December, after you leave, your ISB account will be deactivated. Your content will be deleted. We cannot help you recover your data once you have departed from ISB.
You can 'copy' your data to your personal Google Drive, or download it to a storage device or service.
Option 1 - Copy to new drive
If you would like to copy your data from your ISB Google Drive to a personal Google Drive, the process outlined below is recommended. But first... please make sure that you have enough space on your personal drive. Your personal drive is limited to 15GB by default.
In your ISB Google Drive:
In your personal Google Drive:
- Open the folder that you shared with your personal account.
- Select all the files inside the folder (Ctrl+A (select all) OR Shift+left click) *FILES ONLY, NOT FOLDERS*
- Right-click on one of the files you selected and choose “Make a copy.” This will create a copy of all the files. Your personal account will be the owner of the copies. The copies will have the name “Copy of…”
- Move the files with the name “Copy of…” to another location on your personal Google Drive.
Option 2 - Download your Data
You can choose to download an archive of your files as well. This process is easier than the copy method, but Google Apps documents (docs, sheets, slides…) will be converted to Microsoft-compatible files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint…).
- In your ISB Google Drive, right-click on a file or folder that you would like to download.
- Select “Download” from the list of options.
- Save the downloaded archive to an external hard drive or a personal cloud storage service (a personal Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.).